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How Homeopathy helps to cure anal fistula?

Treatment and Specialization

Apollo Homeopathy helps to cure for Fistula

controlling the infection

Homeopathy works primarily on controlling the infection which helps prevent the formation and development of abscess. Then work on the development of new fabrics to close down the stretch. When tissues are restored, the opening is closed and fistula gets cured permanently. Homeopathy can abort the tendency to abscess formation and suppuration by increasing resistance.

hindrances to cure

So it can thus avoid the hindrances to cure by helping the healing process to continue naturally without interference. Also, to heal the fistula, first of all, the flow of fluid must get stopped since the draining fluid itself acts as a layer of separation to resist healing. For that, the tendency to fluid collection and suppuration must be stopped. Homeopathy provides this without any surgical measure.

flow gets stopped

If the flow gets stopped, the pathway dries up naturally and shrinks to get close approximation for better healing. Medicines should be taken under the advice and diagnosis of a qualified Homeopath.